Church Collections

You can now light a candle, make contributions and offer donations with our new simple widget. 

Other ways to donate:

  • Presbytery Letterbox some leave envelopes in my door which I secure right away, or to me in person.
  • At the Church in the offertory box left before mass.
  • Bank Transfer: there is the option of Electronic Transfer which some have chose to do, details below of the account for Both Headford and Claran please put your name or box number in the reference section.
    • St Mary’s Church Headford  BIC: BOFIIE2D   IBAN Details: IE27 BOFI 9038 7528 9740 34
    • St Mary’s Church Claran   BIC: BOFIIE2D   IBAN Details: IE62 BOFI 9038 7528 9727 25